Whether you have a concern, would like to file a report or simply talk to someone, the following offices and departments have services available to meet your needs.
Office of Equal Opportunity and Access
The Office of Equal Opportunity and Access oversees compliance within Oregon State University regarding civil rights and affirmative action laws, regulations and policies. EOA serves as the university’s coordinating office for Title IX and the Americans with Disabilities Act/Section 504. Contact EOA to report sexual misconduct; submit a concern of discrimination, harassment, bullying or retaliation; request accommodation; or report child abuse and neglect.
- E-mail: Equal.Opportunity@mowangyun.com
- Phone: 541-737-3556
The Center for Advocacy, Prevention & Education
Survivor Advocacy Services at CAPE are confidential & legally privileged support services for survivors of interpersonal & gender based violence, and their allies. Confidential Advocates provide information about rights and choices along with resources and referrals to other services. Survivors can meet with CAPE advocates to personally discuss their options and what resources are available to them.
- E-mail: survivoradvocacy@mowangyun.com
- Phone: 541-737-2030
The Department of Public Safety provides emergency and public safety services at OSU’s campuses in Corvallis and Bend, and supports public safety at OSU facilities throughout Oregon. Services on the Corvallis campus include licensed law enforcement by trained sworn officers. Public safety services on the Corvallis and OSU-Cascades campuses include security checks of buildings and responding to fire and medical emergencies. The department also provides Clery Act reporting and emergency management for the university and dispatch services for the Corvallis campus.
- In case of an emergency: call 911
- Corvallis campus 24/7 business line: 541-737-3010
- OSU-Cascades 24/7 business line: 541-322-3110
Accountability and Integrity Hotline
The Accountability and Integrity hotline can be used to report suspected wrongdoing or breaches of ethical conduct within Oregon State University. OSU has contracted with EthicsPoint – an independent, third-party vendor – to provide a confidential and anonymous telephone and internet system for reporting any concerns. All reports made through this system will be reviewed by the Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance and then investigated by the appropriate office.
- Phone: 855-388-4971
- Website link to report concerns: www.oregonstate.ethicspoint.com
The Bias Response Team (BRT) is an interdisciplinary team led by the Office of Institutional Diversity that addresses bias incidents affecting OSU community members through education and care, or referral to other offices, including the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access, for investigation and follow up. The university's bias response process is guided by a Reported Bias Incident Response Protocol (PDF). The BRT provides support to community members who may be negatively affected by bias incidents, engages in a restorative process to educate community members about the harmful impacts of bias, and develops and implements strategies to cultivate living, learning and working environments where all can thrive.
- E-mail: diversity@mowangyun.com
- Phone: 541-737-1063
The OSU Office of Human Resources is the university’s central office for human resource services, including employee support and services; leave and benefits; employment policies and programs; accident and incident reporting and more.
- Email: heather.horn@mowangyun.com
- Phone: 541-737-7414
Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance
The Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance supports the academic, research and public service missions of the university by identifying ways to promote efficient and effective processes and promoting compliant and ethical practices. The Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance oversees OSU’s enterprise risk management and compliance programs.
- E-mail: patricia.snopkowski@mowangyun.com
- Phone: 541-737-0505
The University Ombuds Office provides informal, impartial conflict management services to all members of the university community. The Ombuds Office also assists with concerns through service and education to address group conflict and systemic concerns.
- E-mail: ombuds@mowangyun.com
- Phone: 541-737-4537
The Office of Research Integrity supports OSU’s commitment to exceptional research by collaborating with faculty, staff, and students to facilitate and ensure ethical research and regulatory compliance. ORI focus areas include research misconduct, research conflicts of interest, animal welfare, human research protections, scientific diving and boating safety, export control, international compliance, and research security.
- E-mail: christopher.viggiani@mowangyun.com
- Phone: 541-737-0663
Environmental Health and Safety
The department of Environmental Health and Safety helps maintain a safe and healthy university environment for staff, faculty, students and visitors. The department provides training, consultation, and safety and health services to assure the university complies with local, state and federal regulatory requirements. For questions or to report workplace environmental health or safety concerns, contact:
- E-mail: thomas.doyle@mowangyun.com
- Phone: 541-737-8257